Immediate dentures for placement the same day as tooth removal, as well as dentures made with premium Lucitone 199 acrylic and Bioform IPN teeth.
Tooth colored filling materials used for restoration of both front and back teeth. Multiple shades to match the existing tooth structure.
Includes all-ceramic crowns, bonding, custom tooth bleaching, and porcelain veneers. Some veneers require no tooth preparation. All cosmetic treatments provide the aesthetic improvements the patient desires while maintaining a natural appearance.
Single crowns (or caps), multiple crowns, and bridges (to replace missing teeth) are made by certified dental labs using premium ceramics and precious metals. Some crown and bridge products may be all-ceramic to optimize aesthetics.
Comprehensive dental exams includes soft tissue (cancer screening) exam, hard tissue (teeth) exam, periodontal (gums) exam, and radiographs. Now using digital radiography for less radiation exposure.
Emergency appointments available daily, and dentist available for consult regarding emergency questions or problems.
Removal of individual teeth, full mouth extractions, and removal of some 3rd molars (wisdom teeth) performed.
Prophylactic hygiene appointments (cleanings) and recalls on regular 6 month intervals performed by registered dental hygienist to insure healthy teeth and gums. Advanced periodontal (gums) treatment provided for patients with periodontists (inflammation of the gums and bone support).
The latest and most advanced technology to replace missing teeth. All implants are made of high-grade titanium and can be used to replace single teeth, multiple teeth, and for full mouth reconstructions. Continuing education attended regularly to maintain the latest implant restorative techniques.
Even the best dentures cannot compare to the over-denture stability achieved with mini dental implants. Over dentures retained by mini dental implants are designed to help denture wearers laugh, talk and live with comfort and confidence. The mini dental implant procedure takes place in you dentist's office, with local anesthesia and typically can be completed within 2 hours!
Nitrous oxide gas for mild to moderate dental anxiety, and oral sedatives for moderate to severe dental anxiety. Oral sedatives require an escort for the patient.
Children are encouraged to have their first dental visit by age 3, and to have regular recalls every 6 months to maintain dental health throughout their formative years. Preventive measures such as fluoride treatments and sealants provided. Orthodontic screenings performed on all patients.
Removable appliances to replace missing teeth. Designs are made to optimize function and esthetics's, and all RPDs are made with premium products, i.e. - Vitallium metal and Lucitone 199 or Valplast acrylic.
Treatment of the nerve chamber of a tooth, that is done painlessly under local anesthesia, and results in the elimination of infection and protection of the decontaminated tooth from future bacterial invasion.
Includes mouth-guard fabrication for prevention of sports-related dental injuries, emergency treatment of sports-related treatments when they do occur, and education about a variety of prevention topics, including information about smokeless tobacco and its harmful effects.
Diagnosis of the TMJ (temporomandibular joint) and treatment of TMD (temporomandibular disorder) most commonly includes the fabrication of a CR (centric relation) splint, or bite-guard.
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